Couturier, Fr. David B., O.F.M. Cap.
Theology and Franciscan Studies
School of Arts and Sciences
Associate Professor, Theology and Franciscan Studies
Executive Director, Franciscan Institute
Office phone: (716) 375-2160
Send an email
Murphy Professional Building 100
- Ph.D., Pastoral Psychology and Organizational Studies, Graduate Theological Foundation.
- D.Min., Pastoral Counseling, Graduate Theological Foundation.
- Lic. Psych., Clinical Psychology, Gregorian University.
- M. Div., Maryknoll School of Theology.
- B.A., English Literature, St. Anselm College.
- Certificate in Mediation, Mediation Works, Suffolk University School of Law (Boston, 2011)
- Post-Graduate Certificate in Organizational Development, William Alanson White Institute for Psychiatry, Psychology and Psychoanalysis, Organizational Development Program.
- Post-Graduate Studies in Family Therapy, Ackerman Institute for Family Therapy, New York, NY, 1987
- Psychotherapeutic Internship, Centro di Consultazione, Institute of Psychology, Rome, Italy
- Psychology Clerkship in Clinical Diagnostics, New York Hospital- Cornell Medical Center, White Plains, NY
- “Introduction,” Build with Living Stones (St. Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute Publications, 2015), i-ii.
- “Catholic Priests and their People: Changing Dynamics,” Foundation Theology 2014. John Moses, ed. (Mishawaka, IN: Graduate Theological Foundation, 2014), 75-91.
- “The Globalization of Indifference and the Franciscan Imagination,” (October, 2014), accessed at:
- “Young Adults, Consumerism, and the Uncluttered Soul: The Seven Sorrowful Mysteries of Stuff,” (April, 2014) accessed at:
- “Franciscans as Consumers,” Franciscan Action Network White Papers.
- “Was the Year for Priests a Success? Measures of Organizational Effectiveness,” Seminary Journal 16:2 (September 2011), p. 70-76.
- “At Odds with Ourselves: Polarization and the Learning Cultures of Priesthood,” in. Rev. J. Ronald Knott, ed., A Bishop and His Priests Together: Resources for Building More Intentional Presbyterates (Louisville: Sophronismos Press, 2011), p.75-90.
- “The Catholics We Are Becoming,” Origins 41: 4 (June 2, 2011) p. 56-61.
- “I Still Desire to Work: Franciscans and the Problem of Underemployment in America,” Franciscan Action Network White Paper (2009).
- “Pastoral Planning and the Economic Meltdown,” Church Magazine (Fall, 25:3, 2009), p. 4-8.
- The Four Conversions: A Spirituality of Transformation (South Bend, IN: The Victoria Press, 2008).
- The Fraternal Economy: A Pastoral Psychology of Franciscan Economics (South Bend, IN: Cloverdale Books, 2007).
- “Franciscans and Revenue Generation: Paying for our Economic Recovery,” Franciscan Action Network White Paper, March 6, 2009 (Washington, DC: Franciscan Action Network, 2009), accessed at:
- “Franciscans and the Financial Crisis: What we can do to Help,” Franciscan Action Network White Paper (Washington, DC: Franciscan Action Network, 2009). Upload_Module/upload/ Franciscans%20and%20the%20Financial%20Crisis_Couturier_Feb%2009.pdf
- “Priestly Formation, Dean Hoge and the First Wisdom of Sociology,” Seminary Journal, Winter issue (December 2010).
- “Teaching Human Resource Management to Seminarians,” Seminary Journal (Spring, 2009).
- “Helping Serious Discerners Prepare for Pastoral Formation,” Horizon 33:4 (Summer 2008), pp. 10-17;
- “L’émergence d’une économie fraternelle au sein de l’ordre des frères mineurs Capucins,” in Alessandra Aula and Michael Mutzner (eds.), Pauvreté dans le monde: Réflexions Franciscaines (Geneva: Franciscans International Press, 2007), pp. 7-17;
- “The Rise of the Relational Economy in the Capuchin Franciscan Order,” in Alessandra Aula and Michael Mutzner (eds.), World Poverty: Franciscan Reflections (Geneva: Franciscans International Press, 2007), pp. 7-16;
- “Lo Sviluppo dell’economia raternal nelle lettere circolari di Fra John Corriveau,” Italia Francescana 81 (2006), pp. 5-11;
- “Seminarians and Globalization,” Seminary Journal 13:1 (Spring, 2007), pp. 71-78;
- “When Religious Leadership Fails: The Psychology of Administrative Scandals,” Human Development 28:1 (2007), pp. 5-11;
- “Hope and Security: New Foundations,” Horizon 32:1 (Fall, 2006), pp. 11-16;
- “Religious Life at a Crossroads,” Origins 36:12 (August 31, 2006), pp. 181-188;
- “How Importing Foreign Born Members is affecting Vocation Ministry and the U.S. Church,” Horizon (Summer, 2005), pp. 3-9;
- “Formation Advising in Seminaries: The Impact of International Enrollments,” Seminary Journal 11:3 (Winter, 2005), pp. 21-29;
- “Wspόlnota międzynarodowego wspόlczucia: Formacja ponowicjacka w relacyjnej ekonomii kapucyńskiego sposoby, Assisi, September, 2004, pl/formazionepostnovidoc.htm;
- “Sytuacje ekstremalne: Formacja Franciszkanska I antropologia ekomii braterskiej,” Assisi, March 2004.
- Les Communautés de Compassion Internationale: La Formation en Post-Noviciat dans L’économie relationelle en la vie Capucines.” www.
- “Itinerario nas Situacoes Estreme: Formaçao Franciscana e Antropologica da Economia Fraterna,” Analecta 120: 2 (September, 2004), pp. 710-720;
- “Itinerario nelle Situzioni Estreme: La Formazione Francescana e Antropologia dell’ economia Fraterna,” Analecta 120:2 (September, 2004), pp. 700-709;
- “Itineraro de la Situaciones Extremas: Formaciόn Franciscana y Antropologia de la Economia Fraterna,” Analecta 120:2 (September, 2004), pp. 689-699;
- “Itinerarium in Extremis: Franciscan Formation and the Anthropology of the Fraternal Economy,” Analecta 120:2 (September, 2004), pp. 679-688;
- “At Odds with Ourselves: Polarization and the Learning Cultures of Priesthood,” Seminary Journal 9:3 (Winter, 2003), pp. 64-71;
- “Intercongregational Cooperation in Matters of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation,” Franciscan International Publications, www. news /article.php?id=252 (November 27, 2003);
- “Prophetic Preaching after a War,” Touchstone 18:4 (Summer, 2003), pp. 13-25;
- “Minority and Poverty Eradication: The International Dimensions of Christ’s Compassion in 21st Century Franciscan Communities,” May 2003 www.;
- “Franciscans International and the United Nations after the Iraqi War,” (2003), www.;
- “Una Guerra Giusta in Tempo di Terrorismo: Una Prospettiva Francescana,” Franciscans International Publications. www.;
- “Franciscans International and a Commitment to the Poor in an Age of Terrorism,” The Bulletin XXXIX 10 (Winter, 2002), pp. 1-9;
- “The Learning Cultures of Religious Life,” InFormation 6:5 (November/December 1998), pp. 1-10;
- “Whole System Change and the Cultures of Obedience in Religious Communities,” CMSM Forum (Summer, 1997), p. 1-5;
- “The Re-Invention of Work in Religious Communities of Men,” New Theology Review 11:3 (August 1998), pp. 22-35;
- “Complaints about Treatment in Religious Communities,” Human Development 18:2 (Summer, 1997), pp. 10-15;
- “Structures of Ambivalence: The Institutional Dilemma of Religious Formation,” InFormation 141 (April/May 1992), pp. 1-9;
- “The Anthropology of the Christian Vocation: A Book Review,” Review for Religious 50:4 (July/August 1991), pp. 629-630;
- “Structural Sin, Structural Conversion and Religious Formation,” Review for Religious 50:3 (May/June 1991), pp. 406-417;
- “A Spirituality of Refounding,” in Gerald A Arbuckle and David L. Fleming (eds.), Religious Life: Rebirth through Conversion (New York: Alba House, 1990), pp. 81-104;
- “From Diversity to Disparity: The Structural Conversion of Religious Life,” Horizon 14:4 (Fall, 1989), pp. 23-28;
- “Religious Community and Structural Conversion,” CMSM Forum 54 (Fall, 1989), pp. 19-24;
- “Life in Minority: From Trans-Cultural to Trans-Economic Formation II,” The Cord 38:11 (December, 1988), pp. 326-333;
- “Life in Minority: From Trans-Cultural to Trans-Economic Formation I,” The Cord 38:10 (November, 1988), pp. 293-304;
- “Franciscan Minority and Prophetic Presence: A Psychological Perspective,” in E. Covi, Francescanesimo e Profezia (Rome, 1985), pp. 664-673;
- “The Capacity to promote Justice,” Human Development 63 (Fall, 1985), pp. 34-40;
- “Seminarians and Social Justice: A Psychological Investigation of Criteria for Admission to Orders,” Laurentianum 26 (1985), pp. 31-72.
The psychology of globalization, consumerism, human trafficking, the Franciscan imagination, the millennial generation.